A spurned German man gets revenge on his former lover in a very original way, as he slices everything they own together into two halves and puts it on eBay for sale. Stress the word “everything.” Furniture, car, fluffy toys, bicycle, you name it. The Circleville City Schools will hold a tag sale at Everts Middle School June 18 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Desks, chairs, library tables, filling cabinets, desks, rolling carts, plastic and metal chairs, small corner tables, computer chairs and any other He served as compliance officer at the firm. The U.S. Marshals Service says the sale of the 420-lot auction began Thursday and ends July 7. The assets include jewelry, watches, furniture and works of art. The sale was ordered by a federal judge in May. Living room, dining room, bedroom furniture, wing chairs, Ottomans, lamps, artwork, coffee tables, marble top table, China cabinet, Stamps, carnival glass, Stangl pottery, Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, Desks, Book Cases, CDs, DVD’s, Comic Books They include jewelry, watches, furniture and works of art. The U.S. Marshals Service says the 420-lot auction began Thursday and ends July 7. The sale was ordered by a federal judge in May. A judge will decide how the money will be distributed. Madoff is Half the workload: He also cut in half his Apple Macbook Pro – now on sale on eBay for around £7 Cutting all contact Unfortunately for Americans looking for some cut-up furniture, the man is not shipping to the U.S. If you are in the neighborhood .
mismatched wooden chairs and tables, and oodles of used books that sell for between $3 and $7. And no, they’re not all by Leonard Cohen. In fact, the few Cohen publications in the shop aren’t for sale. Viso chose not to organize the books by author or Epworth United Methodist Church, 37W040 Highland Ave. in Elgin, will hold a Rummage Sale on Friday, June 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, June 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Items for sale include household goods, furniture, tools, toys, and collectibles. Severed body parts and full size corpses are among the “crazy s**t” for sale. But surely the most shocking of all is the furniture made from HUMAN SKIN. Ok, it’s not really made from human skin – but it sure as hell looks like it. The furniture is The owner of a fake Bay Area furniture store was arrested on charges of running an illegal and deceptive operation where none of the chairs and tables were for sale – they were part of a front, authorities said, for growing $2 million worth of pot plants .