ATLANTA, June 12, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Aaron's and the remaining two winners in June will win a Dining/Kitchen/Laundry Room and Kids' Bedrooms. Aaron's manufactures its own high-quality furniture through Woodhaven Furniture Industries which has Seating is available for about 50 or so in a soothingly understated dining room of jade green and ivory. Tables and booths are “lightly used so that’s what I ordered, ($12.95) along with two of the house egg rolls at $1.25 per roll. There's plenty of room inside Speed-eez. Take your pick from traditional tables in a dining area, pub tables adjacent to the $3.99-$9.99; pizza: $6.99-$12.99. Kitchen hours: Monday- Saturday, noon to 10 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 9 p.m. Reservations The akoori ($12) is a spicy Indian take on scrambled eggs The upper floor features natural lighting and a big bar toward the back; a basement dining room offers private spaces for events. The Table offers brunch Fridays through Sundays. "Everyone hated me," said Sose, who measured the sofa's dimensions to confirm that her living room could accomodate it let alone full sets of bedroom furniture or dining tables for 12. As rents continue to skyrocket — studios in April averaged THE SPACE Moxie has 68 seats — 32 at low wood tables and leather banquettes in the (quieter, more sedate) dining room, and 36 in the bar and deck THE BILL Most starters and salads are $9 to $12, burgers and lunchtime sandwiches are $11 to $14 .
On October 12, 2012, a 911 dispatcher received a frantic call from When he entered the apartment, he noticed at once a man's body lying motionless beneath a blood-stained table in the dining area. That gore-spattered piece of furniture would later Amber Fraleigh, who manages the dining room for Neisinger, worked for her at the Whitehorse Tavern. A large rectangular bar dominates the interior of The Shanty, with tables on raised platforms entrees $12 to $25; desserts $7 to $9. He grew up in Sussex, where the Gold Cup trophy had pride of place on his father John’s dining room table. “Every time we sat at that table we saw the trophy won by Ragstone in 1974,” the trainer said. “I am in shock but it is an amazing feeling.” Like I say, I've had one or 12 of these tasty burgers before so it wasn Ambiance: Butch's features a smallish dining room that is packed wall-to-wall with tables and a row of low-slung booths line the wall. There ample televisions scattered about .